Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 9: Tablet

The weather is springlike at last here in New York.  Although it still feels like a several cups of tea sort of day.  I have many creative projects on my docket at present and I can feel my brain and time and energy level expanding.  It is sweetly painful at times and I do feel a bit poemed out, after only 9 days! The power of the vows we make to ourselves.  I wouldn't even consider stopping.  I said I would perform a poem every day and so I will.  I did a lot of recording for another project yesterday and my voice sounds a bit tired and scratchy today.  Even the most joyful tasks can feel burdensome and rote briefly if we forget to cherish their wonderfulness.  Does that mean that the most burdensome tasks can feel joyful and creative?  If I sing and dance while cleaning I rage against it less...

This poem is about what I would put in my emergency backpack and the history of stuff in our lives.

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